Movies on amazon prime streaming
Movies on amazon prime streaming

movies on amazon prime streaming

The delicately emotional manner in which the story grounds itself, looking through time at love and loss, makes this one of the most deeply affecting films of all time. Tensions are high and fear begins to take hold as existing conflicts are exacerbated, threatening to send the world into war over what to do with the first contact of this kind. Played by the perpetually underrated Amy Adams in one of her best performances to date, Banks will have to find a way to build connection with not just the aliens, but also with her fellow people across the world who are on a razor’s edge as they deal with their own spacecraft hovering above them. A vibrant blend of contemporary tracks and timeless storytelling (with just a.


Based on the equally magnificent 1998 short story “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang, it follows linguistics professor Louise Banks as she is called to help communicate with mysterious life forms that have landed in a spacecraft hovering above Montana. Guava Island Credit: Amazon Studios Rihanna and Donald Glover lead in this darkly joyous musical movie journey. The best in director Denis Villeneuve’s filmography to date, Arrival is a science fiction film that flaunts convention to tell a story about connection with what draws us together even amid great strife. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Year: 2001 Cast: Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Ian McKellen, Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen, Cate Blanchett Genre: Fantasy Rating: PG-13 Runtime: 178.

Movies on amazon prime streaming